
Fit employees

Ergonomics in the office often overlooks air quality. We offer a solution with our products and services for air filtration and ventilation!

Ensuring optimal ergonomics in the office is essential to preserve the health and well-being of employees. Several aspects must be taken into account to create a comfortable and productive work environment. Among the key considerations are the position of the chair, the computer screen, floor space, power supply, sound, thermal and lighting levels, but above all, air quality, which is often neglected.

At Airwatec, a Belgian company located in Eupen, we provide a solution for this crucial aspect: air filtration and ventilation to control viruses and micro dust particles.

Did you know that good air quality in the office can be a great investment? Air quality is often overlooked but is a fundamental aspect for employees’ health. Contaminated indoor air can cause various health problems, such as allergies, respiratory irritations, and even respiratory infections. The presence of viruses and micro dust particles in the air can be particularly concerning in an office environment where people interact closely.

In addition to preserving the health and well-being of employees, it can also reduce sick leave, improve productivity, and contribute to a more pleasant and attractive work environment. To address this issue, we offer an innovative solution: the installation of an efficient air filtration system, combined with regular air ventilation. This system effectively captures and filters viruses, micro dust particles, and other harmful particles in the air, ensuring a healthy and safe atmosphere in the office.

The most well-known ergonomic aspects

The position of the chair is crucial to prevent back and posture problems in office workers. An adjustable chair in height and tilt allows the user to adapt the chair to their body shape and prevent muscle tension. The back should be well supported, feet flat on the floor, and elbows forming an angle of about 90 degrees while typing on the keyboard.

Similarly, the computer screen should be placed at a height and angle that allows for a neutral position of the eyes and neck. A screen placed too low or too high can cause neck pain and vision problems. The use of an adjustable screen support can be helpful to ensure that the screen is at eye level.

Floor space should be optimized to allow smooth circulation in the workplace. Electrical cables and other equipment should be organized to avoid potentially hazardous obstacles. This also reduces the risk of tripping and falling.

The power supply is also crucial in a modern office where many electronic devices are used. Accessible and sufficient power outlets are necessary to avoid overloaded power strips, which can pose a fire hazard.

Sound level plays an essential role in the concentration and productivity of employees. A noisy environment can be disturbing and cause stress. The use of sound-insulating materials and movable partitions can help reduce noise levels in the workplace.

Similarly, thermal comfort is an important factor to consider. Extreme temperatures can affect the concentration and well-being of employees. A well-maintained air conditioning and heating system ensures a comfortable temperature throughout the year.

Lighting level is also crucial for the visual comfort of employees. Abundant natural light is ideal, but when not possible, well-distributed and adjustable artificial lighting is essential. Avoid glare and shadows on computer screens to prevent eye fatigue.

Conclusion: a good chair is important, but good air is even more crucial!

Ergonomics in the office encompasses numerous aspects that interact to create an optimal work environment. Among them, the position of the chair, the computer screen, floor space, power supply, sound, thermal, and lighting levels are essential. However, air quality is often neglected, which can have adverse effects on employees’ health. To fill this gap, our air filtration and ventilation solution ensures a healthy and safe work environment, contributing to the health, well-being, and productivity in the office.

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