Our slogan : Your clean air, our challenge!
Viledon air filters produced by the German company Freudenberg Filtration Technologies FFT are distributed in Belgium and Luxembourg exclusively by Airwatec.
Airwatec further completes the air filtration range with its Airwabox system, AWT frames and other chemical filtration systems and accessories such as manometers and pressure switches for pressure drop control.
Airwatec is also your specialist in industrial engineering of filtration, ventilation and air or gas purification: audit, data collection, feasibility and design study, manufacturing, mounting and servicing by VCA certified technicians.
We work in the industrial field in general, in gas turbines, compressors, blowers, paint booths, white rooms, dust removal activities, chemical and liquid filtration and for the HVAC.
Airwatec wants to be your full-service partner to optimize your business performance, to protect your staff and installations and to save energy.
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Technology at the service of filtration
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For almost 50 years in air filtration
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Airwatec in the world of air filtration
Some news always fresh
Optimizing Airflow in Bulk Material Handling Systems for Better Energy Efficiency
Filter Rather Than Emit
Why filtration and decarbonization solutions are a strategic choice for growing industrial companies -
Decarbonization: Belgian Industry Must Invest at Least 25 Billion Euros More by 2050
To achieve its decarbonization goals while remaining competitive, Belgian industry will need substantial support from Belgian and European public authorities. Estimates suggest that the additional investments required will exceed an average of one billion euros per year.